I have found out that I am going to Lesotho in August for one year. I will be staying in the rural country side, near the community of Mohale's Hoek. I will be my first time going to the African Continent. Many if not all of my daily activities next year will be completely different from what I am experiencing right now. One thing that I might already have experience with is the stars and shadows. My memory from my time in New Zealand is that your sense of direction is off, your shadow points south rather than the north as it would in the northern Hemisphere. Most of the stars will be different as well, except for those along the horizon. I remember looking up in New Zealand and not recognizing a single thing.
During that year I will be working in a elementary school, it should be quite the learning experience. I hope that my experience in both in elementary school and volunteering at camp will help me in any issues that arise.
I hope to write more over the next few weeks